Europe's top rights court to rule on Russian actions in Crimea

Post Content
2024-06-25 10:08:22

Animal rights activists cover King's portrait with picture of Wallace

Animal rights protesters have attacked a portrait of King Charles, which had been on show in a London art gallery.
2024-06-11 16:10:01

UN rights group says Japan needs to do more to counter human rights abuses

Post Content
2024-05-29 14:09:26

Human rights group urges Thailand to stop forcing dissidents to return home

Post Content
2024-05-16 14:09:52

UN Human Rights Council calls for end to arms exports to Israel

Post Content
2024-04-05 16:09:42

Vietnam eyes crackdown on workers rights, foreign aid, report says

Post Content
2024-03-08 12:18:07

China: Human Rights Watch accuses Beijing of closing and destroying mosques

The crackdown is part of a "systematic effort" to curb the practice of Islam, Human Rights Watch says.
2023-11-22 03:06:41

Issue 1: Ohio weighs abortion rights in closely watched vote

The vote is being viewed as a litmus test for whether abortion rights will remain a winning issue.
2023-11-08 02:06:41

Lewis Hamilton: Formula 1 'needs to do more' on human rights in host countries

Lewis Hamilton says Formula 1 "needs to do more" to try to improve human rights issues in some of its host countries.
2020-11-26 18:05:59

Swiss vote on making firms liable for rights abuse

Many in government and business are wary, but campaigners say politicians are out of touch.
2020-11-28 01:06:47

Fishing rights top of the menu as Brexit talks continue

2020-11-29 12:05:50

Swiss vote to reject Responsible Business Initiative

The measure would have made businesses financially and legally liable for human rights violations.
2020-11-29 16:06:08

Facebook and Google 'complicit' in Vietnam censorship

Rights group Amnesty has accused Facebook and Google of increasingly blocking criticism and dissent.
2020-12-01 05:06:08

Brexit: ?Breakthrough still possible? as UK-EU trade talks resume

Brexit talks are to resume on Friday as compromises over issues such as fishing rights are sought.
2020-12-04 04:07:13

Egypt arrests: Three human rights members released from detention

Their arrests had drawn widespread criticism from the UN, civil liberties groups and celebrities.
2020-12-04 09:06:10

UN rights chief laments worsening situation in Belarus

2020-12-04 13:05:51

The Belgian 'hero' who invaded UK fishing waters

The story of Victor Depaepe, who tested fishing rights in UK waters granted by King Charles II.
2020-12-21 01:07:49

Tanzania 'using Twitter's copyright policy to silence activists'

The guidance meant to deal with rights infringements is being deployed to muzzle critics.
2020-12-22 01:06:02

Karima Baloch: Pakistani rights activist found dead in Toronto

Karima Baloch, who was living in exile, was named in the BBC's annual list of 100 inspirational women.
2020-12-22 11:08:51

Syria attack: At least 28 killed in ambush on bus

A human rights monitor blamed Islamic State for the attack, saying all those killed were soldiers.
2020-12-31 02:05:49

Lai Xiaomin: Criticism of death sentence on former Chinese tycoon

The harsh penalty for a former finance chief is a "major step backwards" says human rights activists.
2021-01-06 06:05:56

Little action at Trump auction for Arctic oil rights

An Alaska state agency emerged as the main bidder at the sale, which was opposed by environmentalists.
2021-01-07 01:05:49

Kuwait's stateless man who set himself alight

Hamad had descended into despair, one of a Kuwaiti community denied rights for generations.
2021-01-13 02:06:01

Colourising historical photos of the civil rights movement

Jordan J Lloyd has added digital colour to black-and-white photos of Dr King and the civil rights movement.
2021-01-15 02:05:58

Martin Luther King Jr: New documentary on FBI surveillance

New documentary highlights extent of the FBI surveillance of the US civil rights leader.
2021-01-16 02:05:52

Israel moves to rein in rights group over 'apartheid' use

2021-01-18 10:05:58

Saudi Arabia executions: 'Drastic' reduction reported in 2020

The Saudi Human Rights Commission says it documented 27 last year - an 85% drop compared to 2019.
2021-01-18 21:05:57

Inside Biden's new-look Oval Office

Busts of influential civil rights leaders sit alongside portraits of famous presidents.
2021-01-21 13:05:59

Trump impeachment: Republicans seek delay until February

Members of the ex-president's party say he deserves "a full and fair process that respects his rights".
2021-01-22 06:05:58

Tigray crisis: Biden administration calls for Eritrea troops to withdraw

"Credible reports" show they were involved in human rights abuses, the state department said.
2021-01-27 21:05:59

Syria group files for int'l probe of Greece migrant abuse

2021-01-28 16:05:51

Employment rights review scrapped by business secretary

2021-01-28 17:06:00

LGBT rights: Indonesia's Aceh flogs two men for having sex

The men were each given 77 lashes in front of a crowd in the conservative Muslim province.
2021-01-28 22:05:50

Black Lives Matter foundation wins Swedish human rights prize

Organisers of the Olof Palme prize praise the group for promoting "peaceful civil disobedience".
2021-01-30 01:05:50

UAE to offer citizenship to 'talented' foreigners

The Gulf state relies on its immigrant population but has never before granted citizenship rights.
2021-01-30 18:06:59

Saudi human rights under new spotlight in Biden era

After free reign under President Trump, will the kingdom now be held more to account?
2021-02-01 02:05:58

Russia: Mass detentions after Putin critic Navalny jailed

Nearly 1,400 people are held after opposition leader Alexei Navalny is jailed, rights monitors say.
2021-02-03 04:05:50

Beijing 2022: Human rights groups call for Winter Olympic boycott

A senior IOC official rejects criticism of its decision to host next year's Winter Games in Beijing.
2021-02-04 22:05:56

Biden Makes His Fight for LGBTQ Rights International

2021-02-05 00:05:58

Myanmar coup: Beer giant Kirin pulls out of partnership

One of the world's largest brewers Kirin has repeatedly faced pressure from human rights groups.
2021-02-05 06:05:58

Pope Francis appoints first woman to the Synod of Bishops

Nathalie Becquart will have voting rights in the body that advises the Pope on controversial topics.
2021-02-07 00:06:01

Chechnya: Escaped gay men sent back by Russian police

A rights group says the men are in "mortal danger" in Chechnya, where gay people face persecution.
2021-02-07 00:06:01

US moves to rejoin UN rights council, reversing Trump anew

2021-02-08 03:06:00

US moves to rejoin UN rights council, reversing Trump anew

2021-02-08 07:05:55


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